At that time
Michael the Great Prince shall arise... But God’s people will be delivered. Those who are found in the Book of Life. And the saints shall brightly shine like suns of the heavens. Those who turn many to the truth forever like stars.
Simon Khorolskiy
At that time
Michael the Great Prince shall arise
To stand for the people of the Lord
And there shall be times of distress
Such as never was since nations came into being
But God’s people will be delivered
Those who are found in the Book of Life.
And then some of those who sleep in the dust shall awake
to eternal life
And others to disgrace and everlasting shame.
And many shall be purified and made white
Be tried in temptations, smelted, cleansed, and refined
And the saints shall brightly shine like suns of the heavens
Those who turn many to the truth forever like stars.
But God’s people will be delivered
Those who are found in the Book of Life.
Glory to Thee our God.
+ Glory to Thee for All Things +
Music: Simon Khorolskiy Lyrics
Adapted: From The Bible - Daniel 12
Dmitriy Gvozdikov
Vadim Timofeev
Daniel Gerega
Slavik Gerega
Maksim Diriyenko
Sergei Ponkratov
Anita Selleshiy
Olesya Korniyenko
Esther Poshelyuznyy
Jennifer Balaban
Kristina Baranets
Lea Ponkratov
Margarita Nestjorkina