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An Orthodox Anthology on
Suffering. Struggling. Healing.
Discovering Goodness in Illness.

"I do not pray for God to make me Well. I pray for Him to make me Holy." Elder Porphyrios
Suffering, sickness, and struggle are not enemies to be feared. They are Gifts.
Presented in this website is the mind of The Church. Over two millennia of living witness from Jesus Christ's Saints, who reveal to us His Mind, and thus the Wisdom and the Way for healing Body and Soul.
A Wisdom not of this world. For everything - all things - are Gift. Freely received. Freely given. Our prayer is that this anthology, drawn from The Church, and Her Saints, Martyrs, Confessors, and Monastics of all ages, from all corners of the world, will offer you The Faith and the courage to believe that
All is Gift.
"Let us understand that God is a Physician
and that suffering is a medicine for salvation,
not a punishment for damnation."
Saint Augustine
+ Glory to Thee for All Things! +

Our Intercessors
The Holy Unmercenary Healers
Holy Unmercenaries (Greek: Άγιοι Ανάργυροι) literally the "ones without silver / money" is an epithet applied to a number of Christian saints who did not accept payment for good deeds of compassion and care for the sick and destitute. These include unmercenary healers, or Christian physicians, comprised of holy men and women, who, in conspicuous opposition to the medical practice of the day, tended to the sick free of charge, and most importantly, they attended to the curing of BOTH body and - especially the soul. They showed a Christ-like love for all, and they gave themselves for all. Let us emulate the Holy Unmercenary Healers, who for themselves wanted nothing, but out of love of God and their brothers and sisters, gave everything. May the Lord grant this to us. Amen "...freely have you received - freely give..."
Holy Unmercenary Healers and Intercessors Pray for us sinners:
Saints Cosmos and Damian - Holy Wonderworking Healers
Saints Cyrus and John - Wonderworkers
Saint Thallelaios - Holy Martyr
Saint Hermolaus - Hieromartyr of Nicomedia
Saint Panteleimon - Great Martyr and Healer
Saint Diomedes - Martyr, Physician, of Tarsus
Saint Nectarios of Aegina
Saint Hermione - Daughter of Philip the Deacon
Saint Paraskeva - Martyr
Saint Anastasia - Great Martyr
Saint Sampson - The Hospitable
Saint Athanasius of Aegina
Saint Photios
Saints Anthimos, Eutropius, Leontius - Brother Physicians of Arabia
Saints Cosmos and Damian - Brother Physicians
Saint Seraphim of Sarov - Wonderworker
Saint Makios
Saint Ambrose of Optina
Venerable Tryphon of Campsada
Holy Martyr Photius of Nicomedia
Saint Agapitus - Wonderworker of the Kievan Caves Lavra
Saint Sebastian
Holy Evangelist Saint Luke - the Physician
Pray to God for us. Amen

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